Monday, March 9, 2009


I did half an hour of a yoga DVD this morning.

I sweated as much as I do walking the boys to school and back.

I still feel nauseous.


Mary said...

Oh my god you are going crazy!!!

Duyvken said...

:-) That doesn't sound good! The nausea that is, the yoga sounds great.

What dvd was it?

KPB said...

No, not going crazy at all, I just get bored very very quickly of doing the same thing - the 5am walk was driving me bonkers - same route blah blah blah.

A - it's some 5 x 10minute workout number - so I did three of them. Jasper just looked scared. AB was chuckling.

I like it because I am so bad at it and the competitive person in me wants to be better at it.