Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weigh In

So I lost half a kilo this week.

Current weight: 89.3kgs.

I am a little disappointed it wasn't more than 500g but then I also ate like a normal person and did exercise so am pleased. No really, I am.


Mary said...

Me a kilo - but am using the shakes to help me ( as in protein type shakes).

I suspect the half dozen chocolate digestives i have just eaten won't help.

Damned monthly cycle -

Duyvken said...

Any and all movement in the right direction should be celebrated! You're doing so well Kim, keep it up!

Duyvken said...

LOL Mary - I am glad you added the explanation about the shakes. I briefly thought you meant you were shuddering your way to your weight loss goal. :-)

KPB said...

AH yes, the mighty monthly. Mine arrived yesterday. No wonder I feel so shitty. On all levels.