Monday, November 17, 2008

another week

Well, I should have posted last Wednesday so I could gloat over my 1.2kg loss. Never mind, the moment has passed. Still feeling proud of my effort though. Have discovered I need to focus on my goal, loath myself as I am, understand that is not who I really am, and get on with it. Writing everything down keeps me honest and on track. Even if I can't be fagged, I write it down anyway. I have a Symply Too Good To Be True 8 week food journal (from last Christmas) and it is working a treat. $5 from the newsagent. When this one runs out I am getting another - immediately. My initial goal was to lose 5kg before Christmas - I may already be there this week (4.7kg so far). I may adjust the festive goal to 10kg - WOW, that would be great.


KPB said...


My goal is to be at 80 by Christmas.

I'm hoping this week to lose about 1.5kgs.

KPB said...

OH - and if you'd like to, send me the code for your little weight loss graph thingy and I'll load it.