Friday, January 9, 2009

Weigh In

Last week: 89.8kgs
This week: 89.0kgs
Loss: 0.8kgs

A bit of a surprise really, there was still a LOT of eating going on.
Things I did start on:
- being more conscious of when I'm full
- eating a proper breakfast (something I am always a stickler for but have become slack on during the festive season)
- a lot less junk food

My goals this week are:
- to start moving - maybe doing one of the exercise videos I have at home OR get up to that alarm I've set for 5am to go for a walk OR go to the gym I am paying to be a member of but never go to.
- stick to the food diary

1 comment:

Duyvken said...

The food diary sounds excellent. Well done on the loss!