Monday, December 1, 2008


Well last weekend I indulged in champagne on two separate occassions, rissoles at a BBQ and Rocky Road etc etc. THe net result - 0.0kg as I managed to pull it all together on Monday and Tuesday and come out even!

But this week - oh deary me! Friday and Saturday were VERY much out of control in terms of food. Although a weekend away did mean lots of walking and stairs and hills. This morning it looks like a 0.8kg gain but if I can pull it together for the next two days and eat cleansing salad, no alcohol and lots of water - I might break even again (hopefully!)

So KPB - your turn to lead the inspiration this week my friend

1 comment:

KPB said...

I was doing very well until I weighed myself yesterday and it said I had gained 200grams.

So I kinda ate a fair bit yesterday - having extra kids in the house didn't help as I'd bought them some 'treat' food, which I, naturally, scoffed.